Special Offers

Limited-time offers and special discounts available now.

Shop them all.

Featured Offers
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The rating of this product for "" is 1.

Save 26% on 3-Wick Jar Candles

Shop 3-Wicks for £19.25 each (Retail value £25.95) from select fragrances. Not valid on past purchases. Not eligible for additional discounts.


Featured Offers
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Rating of 4 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 3.

Fragrance of the Month

Refillable By PartyLite

Save 20% on the Refillable by PartyLite Collection. Available 31 January - 28 February.


Featured Offers
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Rating of 4 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 4.

Free Gift with £75

Choose a free gift with your minimum spend of £75. Minimum spend is determined after all coupons and discounts are applied and less any certificate purchases, and before shipping & handling fees. Free gift must be added to the cart at time of purchase. Free gift cannot be added or requested after the order is placed. Limit 1 per order. Free gift cannot be exchanged. If item is not available at time of shipment, an alternate item of equal or greater value will be substituted.


Featured Offers
Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 4 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 2.

Refillable Giveaway

Win a Refillable by PartyLite Jar in the Refillable giveaway. To enter, simply subscribe to our email newsletter through the giveaway form on our website. Already subscribed? Great! Fill out that same form to confirm your subscription and be entered. No purchase is necessary to enter. Limit 1 entry per email address.

10 will win a Refillable by PartyLite each week 1 - 28 February, 2025. One lucky winner will win the grand prize of all 6 Jars and their Refills. Grand Prize drawn the week of 3rd March, 2025. Weekly winners will be drawn each Tuesday for the prior week, first draw on 11 February , 2025 and final draw on 4 March, 2025.  Winners will be emailed a coupon code valid for their free jar(s), Shipping & Handling fees apply (where applicable). PartyLite Brand Ambassadors are not eligible for the customer giveaway. 

Subscribe & Enter

Featured Offers
Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 4 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 1.

Save 26% on 3-Wick Jar Candles

Shop 3-Wicks for £19.25 each (Retail value £25.95) from select fragrances. Not valid on past purchases. Not eligible for additional discounts.


Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 4 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 3.

Fragrance of the Month

Refillable By PartyLite

Save 20% on the Refillable by PartyLite Collection. Available 31 January - 28 February.


Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 4 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 4.

Free Gift with £75

Choose a free gift with your minimum spend of £75. Minimum spend is determined after all coupons and discounts are applied and less any certificate purchases, and before shipping & handling fees. Free gift must be added to the cart at time of purchase. Free gift cannot be added or requested after the order is placed. Limit 1 per order. Free gift cannot be exchanged. If item is not available at time of shipment, an alternate item of equal or greater value will be substituted.


Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 4 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 2.

Refillable Giveaway

Win a Refillable by PartyLite Jar in the Refillable giveaway. To enter, simply subscribe to our email newsletter through the giveaway form on our website. Already subscribed? Great! Fill out that same form to confirm your subscription and be entered. No purchase is necessary to enter. Limit 1 entry per email address.

10 will win a Refillable by PartyLite each week 1 - 28 February, 2025. One lucky winner will win the grand prize of all 6 Jars and their Refills. Grand Prize drawn the week of 3rd March, 2025. Weekly winners will be drawn each Tuesday for the prior week, first draw on 11 February , 2025 and final draw on 4 March, 2025.  Winners will be emailed a coupon code valid for their free jar(s), Shipping & Handling fees apply (where applicable). PartyLite Brand Ambassadors are not eligible for the customer giveaway. 

Subscribe & Enter

Other Offers

Check Out Specials

With your minimum spend of £50, select the product from the offer at up to 57% savings. Minimum spend is determined after all coupons and discounts are applied and before shipping & handling fees. Bundle must be added to the cart at time of purchase. Cannot be added or requested after the order is placed. Offer and/or items included cannot be exchanged. If an item is not available at time of shipment, an alternate item of equal or greater value will be substituted. Available 31 January - 28 February, 2025. Quantities Limited.

Fragrance of the week : Fig Fatale

Save up to 37% on a selection of Fig Fatale fragranced forms. Available 18 - 24 February.

We ❤ 3-Wicks

Save on select 3-Wicks, just £15 each (regularly £25.95). Plus, select décor for only £6. Available 11 - 24 February. 

Outlet Refresh

Save up to 70% in the Outlet. More than 100 items just added!

Deco for Spring

Save 25% or more on a selection of décor and tealight samplers. Available 20 - 24 February.

Easter - Nature and Floral

Check out new fragrance and décor for Easter! Plus save up to 50% on select items. Available 20 February - 9 April, 2025.

Soothing Lavender

Save up to 50% on Lavender fragranced items. Available 21 - 24 February.